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Digital conditions

The Relation of Authorship to Ownership

Till Kreutzer

In the panel discussion »The Relation of Authorship to Ownership,« the lawyer, journalist, and legal scholar Till Kreuzer discusses with Jean-Baptiste Joly the question whether authorship is related to a single subject and if there is a difference between authorship and ownership.

»If you don’t have these liberal rules on reauthorship, the reuse of existing materials in a new work, or if you draw the line to straight in favor of the initial author, then culture is prevented instead of being fostered.«

Mriganka Mdhukaillya talks about his personal experience with authorship in his everyday practice as an artist and member of an artistic collective in India.

»My background is in science […] and research in science doesn’t happen in one country. That is a kind of shared authorship already, which is an interesting thing. I am not aware of operating within that parameter as an artist.«

The possibilities of artists to work with technological companies or research centers on common products and keeping the rights to use them, is a question Antoine Conjard is facing in his daily work as Director of Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences – Meylan Director and L’Atelier Atelier Arts Sciences.

»Authorship is a way to protect artists against the power of money. All our life is governed by money, power, and private property […]. We saw the result today that someone depending on a company cannot come here to speak.«


