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Antoine Conjard Bio

Antoine Conjard

Antoine Conjard is a trained cabinetmaker. He studied management of cultural organizations at Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon/France. He first experimented with projects at the intersection of art, science, social, and socio-economic disciplines while in charge of the theatre program at Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture Robert Matin, Romans/France, as well as in 1997 at the Théâtre de Givors/France. Since 2001, he is director of Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences, Meylan/France. For the theatre he integrates artists into scientific research, as well as social and technological innovations. He initiated the Biennale Arts Sciences, Rencontres-i, Meylan–Grenoble–Métropole/France, and the Atelier Arts Sciences with Jean Therme, director of the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives de Grenoble. With EXPERIMENTA, Salon Arts Science Technologies, Grenoble, he established a regional innovative organization where artists engage with current cultural and scientific questions. Conjard is founding member of Atelier de l’Imaginaire, and Transversale des Réseaux entre Arts et Sciences (TRAS) which federates initiatives at national and European level. From 2015 to 2017, he is member of the National Council of the National Syndicate of Artistic and Cultural Companies (SYNDEAC). He also contributed to the joint publication L’Atelier de l’imaginaire: jouer l’action collective (Elya Editions, 2015).