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Spatial Atmospheres

Galin Stoev

Galin Stoev

Space in theater is always concrete – there is a set design, stage directions, and descriptions; or simply some empty space that gradually becomes inhabited. Biography is never concrete or stable – it is a mixture of fictional characters on stage and real spectators in the hall, and all this changes from one night to another. All these components come together into something called live experience, created every evening starting from zero and working with all the present ingredients. We tend to believe that the performance happens on stage, while in the hall we have art consumers that will like or dislike what they see and then leave the place silently. The truth is that from both sides of this experience – stage and audience hall – living entities work together to create an invisible space in which the real performance will take place. This invisible space is the actual point of achieving a pure poetic reality. Theatrical space makes sense only when it shows what happens with matter when it comes into contact with the dream.