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Politics of Spaces

Notes on a Fugacious Terminology

Sinethemba Twalo

Notes on a Fugacious Terminology is a musing on the project Abandoning the Scene of History. It was presented by NGO – NOTHING GETS ORGANISED within the context of the Jerusalem Show 2016 at Al Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art, Jerusalem/Israel titled Before and After Origins. Notes on a Fugacious Terminology presents itself as an (after)thought. Drudgingly trailing an evasive path, it attempts to glance beneath the fold. Besieged by a »certain uncertainty« that haunts our present, the project concerns itself with a ceaseless waiting fostered through inscription and paradox. The one who waits attempts to mine a certain (dis)location, ontologically scratching a perversity that can only be abated by the inconceivable. The project considers what it means to inhabit a perilous state of being, to live in captivity and to be captured, »to endlessly mark time« to quote Frantz Fanon. The one who waits is beleaguered by a fugacious and erratic time; Fred Moten puts it so eloquently when he states »we linger in the advent, in the brutal interplay of advent and enclosure.«